Wapekeka First Nation consists of two Reserves with two Addendums in 1996 and 1997. Wapekeka First Nation Reserves is located 26 km (16 miles) Northwest of Big Trout Lake and 451 km ( 282 Miles) Northeast of Sioux Lookout. The latitude and longitude of the reserve is 53 N49′ and 89 W22′.The reserve size is 5,566 hectares or 23 square miles with an additional 44 hectares added in 1996 and 1997 and Claim of additional 20 square miles. The community is accessible year round since The Ministry of Transportation constructed a 1070 x 30 m airstrip in 1991. Bearskin Airlines and Wasaya Airlines makes regular scheduled flights into the community at least 3 times a day, Monday to Friday and once on Saturdays. No scheduled flights on Sunday.

Wapekeka community year-round population is 363 and the breakdown is as follows.
(i) 341 Registered as of April, 1999.
(ii) 22 Non-First Nation Members. 363 Community Members * Note: There are Thirty – five (35) registered Wapekeka members who reside off-reserve.
The main language spoken in Wapekeka represents a mixture of Cree and Ojibway (Oji-Cree). As in most northen communities, the younger people along with a portion of the older residents speak English comfortably as a Second Language.
The major means of local transportation are motorized vehicles such as trucks, cars, and four wheelers as there are developed roads connecting between the airport, medical clinic, school and other facilities. Primarily, the transportation is on foot during summer and by snowmobiles during winter.