Wapekeka First Nation (formerly known as Angling Lake First Nation) is a First Nation band government in Ontario. An Oji-Cree community in the Kenora District, the community is located approximately 450 kilometres northeast of Sioux Lookout.


Wapekeka has the following communication services:

1. Wawaytay Radio System, as well as one local F.M. Radio System operated by a Station Manager and community voluntees,

2. Bell Canada Telephone System linked by Satellite provides community telephone service which operates within the Big Trout Lake exchange.

The community has a Cable Television System which transmits 16 channels for the homes. TV Ontario has a satellite in the community which can be used for Wawatay T.V. transmissions. Radio: Sakakwa Radio Station receives radio transmissions from Wawatay Native Communications Society which transmits in different programs from Alberta Northwest Territories and own W.N.C.S. programs. Sakawa Radio Station operates on irregular basis and is operated by a Manager & Board of Directors. Bell Canada provide a Telephone Communication Linkage to the community through the switching station in Big Trout Lake. Wasaya Airways provides a weekly mail service for the community as part of an Agreement between the Canada Post Corporation and Wapekeka First Nation. This is usually done on Wednesdays. The community operates the Post Office which employs one First Nation member on a part time basis. The Post Office provides any services that are usually equipped as those in urban centre.


Ontario Hydro supplies electricity in Wapekeka. The system was completed in 1991. Therefore, most homes have electricity. Major source of heating comes from wood burning stoves, Band Office, School, Nursing Station, Community Centre, M.T.O. Building, teacherages, Educational Offices and Hostel are equipped with fuel oil burning furnaces.The community has a complete water and sewer system. The system provides treated water to the School, Teacherages, Nursing Station and Nurse’s residence, and most of the community. Water and sewage system was completed in December of 1999.


Wapekeka has experienced and qualified fire fighters, who have to be recertified every year by the Ministry of Natural Resources.


Policing Services in Wapekeka First Nation are carried out by the Ontario Provincial Police. This is completed through the deployment of 4 police officers who work on a rotating basis in the community to provide 24-hour coverage.  

The Ontario Court of Justice takes place in the community every 2 months, on Thursdays.   

First Nation by-laws are enforced in the community by the police through a Nishnawbe Aski Nation band by-law Diversionary program.

Health services

Please refer to Health Services of First Nation employees. Wapekeka Health Centre was built in 1991 and it consists of 3 Treatment/examination rooms, holding room, waiting room, N.N.A.D.A.P. Office, Mental Health Office, Child and Family Services Office, Health Director Office, Resource Team Coordinator Office, Nurses Office, Public Health room, two bedrooms, kitchen/dining room, and storage/janitorial rooms. Presently there are two registered Nurses and they reside at the Nurses Residence. The Health Centre is operated by the Health Council. The Health Council is a committee consisting of community members who provide direction, support, guidelines and procedures. The Council is accountable to the First Nation Council.


The Reverend Eleazar Winter Memorial School was constructed in 1990. It consists of four classrooms, a multi-purpose room, a library/resource room, a principals office, staff room. The school is operated by the Wapekeka First Nation under the Wapekeka Education Authority. The Wapekeka Education Authority is a Committee consisting of Community members who provide guidelines, rules and procedures for the school. This committee is accountable to the First Nation Council. Education is provided from Jr. Kindergarten to Eight and Grade Nine is offered to students who are not ready to leave the community. Distance Education is also provide through N.N.E.C.’s Wahsa Program. The school and the community are connected to the internet through the SchoolNet program.

Students have to leave the community in order to attend Secondary School. Post Secondary: There is no Post Secondary program.Students have to leave the community in order to advance their education to Sioux Lookout, Thunder Bay, etc.


Wapekeka has and Anglican Church (St.Paul’s), in the summer of 1985 the residents completed a construction of a new church. Church services are held every Sunday and sometimes during weekdays. There is also a Parish Hall where the Senior Citizen Complex residents usually go for Church services. Priest(s): The Ven. Ananias Winter is an ordained Minister under the Anglican Church of Canada. Full Gospel Youth Ministry Church was completed last summer. They provide church services and hold tent meetings. Wapekeka Assembly Church was completed 3 years ago. The Pastors are Nellie Nothing, Moses Nothing, Rodney Winter, Mary Anderson, Edward Anderson and Henry Roundsky. They provide church services 3 times a week. They also hold annual tent meetings.

Community Store

There is a Community Store which stocks mainly canned food, dry goods, hardware, major appliances and other merchandise that can be specially ordered for a customer.

One of the Wapekeka Resident’s is currently operating a convenience store which sells confectioneries, groceries and smaller merchandise but sometimes there are individual orders.


Wapekeka Band has a hostel for persons who want to stay for a period of time under similar hotel rates. In the Small Business Centre there will be a hotel, restaurant, laundromat, post office and the community store.